
I suppose everyone has their own version of the American Dream. My childhood American Dream looked something like this: fairy tale love story complete with prince charming, castle and wedding with all the trimmings, two children one boy and of course one girl, a cat and a dog, a successful career as an astronaut/president, long gorgeous hair, and a fabulously sporty car. 

So what does my grownup American Dream actually look like? 

Well, I found my prince charming, but I found him on Match.com, not at the ball. We got married at the courthouse and I wore teal converse tennis shoes. We ate burgers at the Santa Fe Steakhouse immediately following; did I mention I was four weeks pregnant? 


 I did get my two children; blonde haired, blue eyed babies that look everything like their dad. I have a 2 ½ year old grown man named Case Kelly, and a 9 month old princess named Liv. 

My castle is slightly smaller than I had pictured, and no moat, but it fits our family...and most of the kid's toys. We have two dogs, Ginger and Penny Lane, and the best orange cat around named Buddy.

 I never became an astronaut, and the president angle hasn't really played out either, turns out I am relatively apolitical.  However, I am a nurse of 7 years turned Patient Safety Manager at an Army Medical Center. I even managed to graduate with my Masters degree in 2012. 

Long gorgeous hair..hmmm.I don't even know how or why that was ever part of my vision, for the last decade short and sassy has worked well though. As far as my wheels, I drive a minivan and love every minute of it; my husband refers to it as our zombie evacuation mobile home and somehow that gets him through it.

Still don't feel like you know me, well alright...I have seven tattoos and am terribly afraid of needles. I hate mushrooms so much I lie and tell people I have a severe allergy to them. I have had two knee surgeries. I love animals and hope to open an animal rescue someday. Oh, and although not supported by science, I am pretty sure that Hershey Kisses with almonds are as addicting if not more than black tar heroine. 

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